Why You Should be Using a High Performance Furnace Filter for Your Home
High performance furnace filters can help attract and remove all sorts of debris from your home's air through your forced air heating and cooling system. Pollutants like allergens, dust mites, pet dander, smoke particles, virus particulate and more can create unhealthy conditions for the people living in your home. As long as your forced air system in compatible, using a high performance furnace filter can resolve these issues and help creating a healthier living environment.
Keep in mind when choosing any air filter for your forced air system that air flow is THE KEY to a healthy heating and cooling system, so if your unsure if a high performance furnace filter will work for you, check in with your HVAC pro before using the higher rated filters.
When using a high performance filter, expect to change your filters on a more regular basis. The filter may say it's "rated for 90 days", but some seasons, especially peak heating or cooling seasons, you may have to change your filter on a more regular basis. Sometimes this may mean changing out your filter out every month.
I hope this helps you decide if a high performance furnace filter is the right choice for your home.